Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More Images - Foster and Partners

Attached are further images that I have incorporated and used in my Warehouse and Office Complex major Project. The Space-truss system is genious!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Major Project

Initial Concept Picture, Floor Layout.

Local Construction News - Article

Origin Energy to take bigger stake in wind farms in NSW
22 Jan 2008

Origin Energy has announced it has entered into a strategic relationship with wind generation developers Epuron acquiring an option to develop up to 590 MW of wind farm projects starting with the construction of the 30 MW Cullerin Range wind farm in NSW, 30km west of Goulburn. Epuron recently announced plans for the development of Australia's largest wind farm near Silverton in western NSW. This is also the first generation plant for Origin in NSW.

AGL to build second Hallett wind farm in South Australia
05 Nov 2007

AGL Energy Limited today announced it would build another wind farm in the Hallett area in South Australia. The 71 MW wind farm will be located at Hallett Hill and will have a total development cost of approximately $166m creating 150 jobs during the construction phase of the project.

Australia's largest wind farm proposed for NSW
09 Oct 2007

Renewable energy company Epuron plans to build Australia's largest wind farm north west of Broken Hill. With a capacity of 1000 MW, it could provide enough electricity for 400,000 homes and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by almost 3 million tonnes a year. The project however faces considerable challenges given the uncertainty of state and federal legislation regarding renewable energy generation. Source Sydney Morning Herald: Wind Farm Media Release.

AGL chief calls for 20% renewables by 2020
30 Aug 2007

Paul Anthony, the head of AGL, one of Australia's largest energy retail companies, has called for a national renewable energy target of 20% by 2020. Mr Anthony has also been appointed chair of the Clean Energy Council, which has evolved from the merger of the Business Council for Sustainable Energy and Auswind. Source Sydney Morning Herald: Energy giant backs renewables.

Norman Foster - Project Research - The Renault Dist Centre

The Renault Distribution Centre is a design that incorporates steel wire tied/fixed to circular columns, and then the plan view consists of a series of repeated modules using concrete panels and glass connected with steel bolting.
The main feature is the yellow wire cabelling that is used in a cross-bracing way and repeated. This helps to bind the bolting and keep in place, and then position the columns evenly.

Norman Foster - Major Project Research

These are some images of various workes by Foster and Partners. I have looked into the bracing systems employed by Foster in his designs. Particularly in the Sainsbury Centre for the visual arts (directly above), incorporating class connecting with steel bolting and a space-truss system.

The Beijing Airport Terminal above shows a good basic bracing and connection system.

The photos of the Law Faculty at Cambridge gives a fantastic view of glass panelling throughout and steel connections. It is attractive and could be used for a factory construction.

Power-generating windows - New Technology breakthrough

I have put these into this blog - despite that it is not DIRECTLY construction related, I think it is important to research and look into all new building technology. Particularly when these new developments incorporate the 5-star energy rating and more.

Solar company HelioVolt and Architectural Glass & Aluminum have announced a partnership to produce glass windows capable of generating electricity. HelioVolt is one of several new solar manufacturers using different materials to produce thin-film solar cells. The company intends to make solar cells for rooftop panels and later get into building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), where cells are embedded onto roof shingles, blinds, awnings, or other building components.

Tutorial Wk 5 - Typical two-storey office block